Does my dog need probiotics or enzymes?

Most dogs need probiotic and enzyme supplementation. Reasons being, antibiotics are found in most all pet foods, and drinking water is treated with chemicals. This combined with other external stressors causes the digestive tract to be stripped of good bacteria. Meanwhile, the natural enzymes your dog needs for digestion are removed from his food through processing.

All dogs need probiotics and enzymes.

Probiotics and digestive enzymes support the very foundation of the immune and digestive systems. Without a proper support your dog will struggle to fight illness and absorb the important nutrients he needs for long term wellness, even if fed a raw diet.

Most dogs will not show signs of digestive stress and immune distress for years, while some dogs will give you signs early in life that probiotics and enzymes need to be added to their diet.

Here are the signs your dog is at risk:

1. Constant itching and scratching

Dog scratching constantly

Itching and scratching is a common nuisance with dogs. The itching and scratching can range from mild to severe depending on your dog’s circumstances. The most common cause of itching and scratching in dogs is food allergy. Digestive enzymes can help by supporting the digestive system, taking the digestive burden off the pancreas.

Modern dog food can be high is grains and is generally devoid of the natural enzymes that your dog’s stomach has developed to depend on for digestion. By supplementing your dog food with digestive enzymes, you ensure that the entire meal is fully digested. Probiotics further help your dog’s intestinal track to accept the meal and absorb the nutrients into the body.

Related: Feeding Raw Without Risks

2. Foul Odor

Dog smells - Smelly dog

A stinky dog is usually caused by yeast overgrowth (Candida). Bad breath and foul body smell is a signal that your dog has a bacterial imbalance. Putrefying food causes sulfurs and sulfites to build up in the system causing bad breath and stinky stool.

Of course, you’ll never turn your dog’s poop into a rose, but normal dog stool will smell unpleasant, not putrefied or overwhelmingly disgusting. Probiotics will help crowd out the bad bacteria causing the bad smell on or in your dog’s gut. Digestive enzymes can help the digestive process so that his meal gets passed through the body quickly without allowing it to rot or putrefy.

Related: My Pet Has Bad Breath!

3. Excessive Shedding

Excessive shedding in dogs

Excessive shedding is a sign of stress on the body. The stress could have a number of causes including allergies, poor digestion, and age. Dogs are meant to shed twice a year, not all year round. Of course, they’ll drop some hair here and there like any animal, but if the shedding appears excessive, this is a sign that the dog’s body is in stress. Digestive enzymes help take the huge digestive burden off the body so it can focus on repair and maintenance of other organs.

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4. Dry and flaky skin

Dry skin dog

Remember, skin is an organ and it will reflect the state of the internal body. Red, blotchy skin can be a sign of yeast overgrowth, especially if accompanied by a bad smell. Dry, flaky skin can be a sign of malnutrition. Both Probiotics and Enzymes can help dogs to absorb the vital nutrients they need from their food and crowd out an overgrowth of bacteria in the body. Supplementation of enzymes and probiotics will help the dog to eliminate wastes and toxins in the body, resulting in an overall healthy skin and coat.

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5. Ear infections

Ear infections in dogs

Reoccurring ear infections can be a sign of yeast overgrowth and/or allergies—but some dogs are just prone to ear infections. It’s important to keep in mind, that once your dog has an ear infection, it should be treated locally—consult your vet. Once clear, with a little maintenance, the Miracle Pack™ has been effective in helping dogs with reoccurring ear infections that are caused by yeast or allergies.

Related: Ear Infections in Dogs: Treatment and Prevention

6. Diarrhea and Loose Stool

 Diarrhea and Loose Stool

When your dog’s intestinal flora is overrun with pathogenic (harmful) bacteria, the result is runny, loose stool, or diarrhea. Diarrhea can be a nightmare for any dog owner, but it’s a tell tale sign that your dog needs healthy flora, and fast! Luckily, dogs treated with probiotics can see improvement in stools within a matter of days.

7. Antibiotics and Medications

Antibiotics dogs

The antibiotic roller coaster can put anyone’s arms up in frustration. You follow your vet’s advice, but the problem just seems to quickly get worse after initial treatment. Over and over the cycle continues.

Dogs on antibiotics are compromised in a fundamental way, the medication used to help them fight their disease also prevents them from getting and staying healthy. It is VITAL for any dog after taking antibiotics to have a probiotic supplement to return the intestinal microbiota balance. Dogs with compromised immune systems and those on antibiotics should be receiving about 5 times the recommended dosage of a canine probiotic at each meal for a couple weeks following antibiotic therapy.

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Cites and References

  1. Akalin A.S., Fenderya S., Akbulut N. Viability and activity of bifidobacteria in yoghurt containing fructooligosaccharide during refrigerated storage. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2004;39:613–621. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2004.00829.x. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  2. Zarate G, Nader-Macias ME. Viability and biological properties of probiotic vaginal lactobacilli after lyophilization and refrigerated storage into gelatin capsules. Process Biochem. 2006;41(8):1779–85. [Google Scholar]

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